English for Beginners! – Online English for Beginners at the A0 and A1 levels in a language school

English for Beginners! - Online English for Beginners at the A0 and A1 levels in a language school.

Today, we want to take you on a journey to the very beginning of our adventure with the English language at levels A0 and A1. This is where your journey with the language begins, and we would like to tell you what you can expect at the start of this remarkable journey.

English for Beginners! - Online English for Beginners at the A0 and A1 levels in a language school.

What exactly is the A0 land A1 anguage level?

Level A0 is the first stage of learning English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). This level is for complete beginners who have no prior experience with the English language. At this stage, we focus on building basic language skills, such as understanding simple sentences, everyday communication, and learning the alphabet and basic grammar.

Level A0 is typically intended for very young children. In our school, you can find special language classes for children, conducted in small groups of up to 8 students, designed to nurture a passion for learning English and other foreign languages from a very young age, investing in their future! For slightly older learners, we offer the A1 language level.

Level A1 of English is the second level of proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). A person at the A1 level can communicate in very simple and basic everyday situations. They have mastered basic vocabulary and sentences that enable them to ask for personal information and communicate in situations typical of tourism, shopping, and social gatherings. However, the ability to engage in deeper conversations or understand more complex texts is still very limited at this level.

English for Beginners! - Online English for Beginners at the A0 and A1 levels in a language school.

How to Start Your Adventure with English or Another Foreign Language for Beginners (A1 or A0)

1. Grammar Basics and Vocabulary At the A0 level, students will learn basic grammar, such as forming simple sentences in the present tense, yes/no questions, and using modal verbs like “can” (to be able to) and “have to” (must). This is also the time when you’ll learn your first basic vocabulary, such as colors, numbers, days of the week, food, and other words necessary for daily communication.

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2. Listening Comprehension At the A0 level, we take the first steps in listening comprehension. You will have the opportunity to listen to short dialogues and simple sentences to understand how the English language sounds in natural communication. This is an important stage as it allows you to get used to the sound of the language and understand basic expressions.

3. If you’re looking for an engaging way to learn through listening, check out our Sensations English platform. It’s a modern e-learning platform for learning English. It’s the most dynamic, creative, and stimulating solution for anyone who wants to learn English in an original and effective way.

4. Writing and Speaking Although you may not be able to create complex texts at this level, you will start learning how to create short sentences and expressions. You will practice writing simple messages, descriptions, and responses to basic questions. Speaking is also an important part of language learning, and teachers will pay attention to correct pronunciation and intonation, helping you build confidence in oral communication.

Are you interested in learning pronunciation and accent? We have the perfect solution – Cambridge AI Speech Tutor is an innovative tool for learning and assessing English speaking skills. It works similarly to pronunciation exercises by recording and listening to spoken sentences with the help of a microphone. Cambridge AI Speech Tutor evaluates your ability to use English in speech by analyzing your recorded speech. It analyzes both whole sentences and individual words or sounds! The tool assigns you percentages (from 0 to 100) for each correct or incorrect syllable, and at the end, you receive a comprehensive and reliable report. This way, you know what you need to work on!

6. Learning Through Play Remember that learning English at the A0 level doesn’t have to be boring! Fun language games, songs, and interactive exercises will help you reinforce new vocabulary and language structures in an enjoyable way. The more you have fun learning, the more naturally you absorb the language.

English for Beginners! - Online English for Beginners at the A0 and A1 levels in a language school.

Are you interested in engaging online language learning for beginners (A0 or A1)? Check out our uTalk app for learning 150+ foreign languages!

uTalk allows you to learn 150+ foreign languages online in your native language, with 20,000+ language combinations. You can learn German, French, Spanish, as well as lesser-known languages like Assamese, Chichewa, Gujarati, and even Ancient Greek! On the platform, you’ll find materials for 180 hours of learning per month, 2,500 useful words and phrases, and over 60 topics for each language. Everything is designed to make the learning path as effective as possible. The difficulty level increases with each task. This allows you to monitor your progress and not be overwhelmed by an excess of information at different stages of learning. This unique online language learning app focuses on activating different areas of the brain by engaging individual senses. All exercises are accompanied by images corresponding to new vocabulary, helping you associate images with words. Available exercises allow you to develop skills in listening, reading, speaking, and memorization – often all at once, in an enjoyable and interesting way!