Why learn German? German language courses at an online language school

German language lesson German courses foreign langueg courses How to learn German

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According to public opinion, German is not always ranked among the most attractive languages in the world. Many consider it harsh and abrasive.

Despite its peculiar phonetics, German can be enjoyable and, above all, useful.

Why is it worth learning German, Then?

Germany is one of the most economically developed countries in the world. Knowledge of German will increase your value on the labour market, as many companies operating in Europe come from Germany.

Knowledge of the German language will also allow you to work in Germany, which is well paid paid.

The minimum wage in Germany is €12.41 per hour gross.

Learning a new language allows you to broaden your horizons. More books, films or music become more comprehensible to you. Above all, you gain the opportunity to explore cultural works in the original language. Such as the works of Franz Kafka or Christa Wolf.

Every language you know (including German) will give you a better understanding of the world.

German is also a great starting point for learning foreign languages such as Swedish, Norwegian or Dutch.

Berlin is definitely a very popular tourist city. Among other things, thanks to monuments and attractions such as:.

– Brandenburg Gate

– Berlin Zoo

– Berlin Cathedral

– And much more

However, there are many more amazing places to visit in Germany.

Such as Rügen, for example. A picturesque island in the Baltic Sea, famous for its limestone cliffs.

Or Munich. The capital of the Bavarian region. There are many sights to see in Munich. The city is also unique because it is possible to see the picturesque panorama of the Alps from the city.

At the “Cambridge” School of English we have many ways to learn German.

Learning German at our language school is not difficult!

Start learning today!