ESP courses online – English for IT Professionals

ESP courses online - English for IT Professionals Business english special IT language courses in a language school online

IT specialists are a profession considered one of the most promising in the world. In today’s globalized world, this means that representatives of this industry should be comfortable in English – due to the need to learn new knowledge in the field, understand and communicate with foreign-language partners and use technical vocabulary.

ESP courses online - English for IT Professionals Business english special IT language courses in a language school online

Here are some useful IT words and phrases translated into one of the languages which we teach at Cambridge School of English - French!

  • admin – administrateur 
  • algorithm – algorithme
  • application – programme, application
  • backup – sauvegarde 
  • browser – navigateur
  • bug – błąd w kodzie
  • code – erreur dans le code
  • control panel – panneau de commande
  • data – données
  • database – base de données
  • develop – développer
  • download – télécharger
  • feature – fonctionnalité
  • file – déposer
  • hard drive – disque dur
  • interface – l’ interface
  • login – enregistrer
  • logout – Se déconnecter
  • master server – serveur maître
  • memory – mémoire
  • password – mot de passe
  • paste – pâte
  • PC (personal computer) – ordinateur personnel
  • raw data – données brutes
  • remote connection – connexion à distance 
  • software – le logiciel
  • uninstall – désinstaller
  • update – réactualiser

To learn how to fluently use the mentioned above vocabulary, learn even more words and phrases, learn how to use English for Specific Purposes…

ESP courses online - English for IT Professionals Business english special IT language courses in a language school online

Sign up for ESP courses online - English for IT Professionals in our language school Cambridge School of English!

During this course with the help of our teacher – a specialist in the field – you will learn how to use Business English and English for Specific Purposes in a practical way thanks to group exercises that draw from the professional experiences of the students. 

Thanks to our workshops you will expand your language skills, your professional skills and you will learn how to use English in your industry. You will open yourself up for new possibilities – promotions and working abroad.

Our courses are carried out in the following areas:

  • IT problems – Software limitations/Complaints;
  • Software development specifications – life cycle project models/Discussing requirements;
  • Designing software – System design options/timescales/GUIs;
  • Development – Assessing feedback/describing formulas/discussing change requests;
  • Testing – Progress and problems with testing;
  • Implementation & Support – Schedules/dealing with users.

You will also learn how to:

  • speak fluently in Business English during discussions;
  • create clearer and more concise business documents;
  • discuss confidently using specialized and Business English on IT-related subjects;
  • accurately describe company products;
  • use the newly acquired specialized vocabulary and phrases.

To learn more about our ESP courses online – English for IT Professionals – click here!

If you want to develop your general Business English skills online, click here – Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Leadership, Financial management, Entrepreneurship, Business planning in English

ESP courses online - English for IT Professionals Business english special IT language courses in a language school online

E-learning platforms - a way to blended-learning!

Choose an online learning platform that will complement the knowledge gained through the ESP courses online – English for IT Professionals at the Cambridge School Of English!

Cambridge Online Tutor

Cambridge School of English offers you a modern e-learning platform, that is available as a complement to traditional courses, including the Business English course. This platform contains many carefully designed exercises that allow you to test and develop your language skills.

Cambridge AI Speech Tutor

Cambridge School of English, a school of English and other foreign languages, offers an innovative tool that allows you to focus on accent and pronunciation in a foreign language.

We invite you to learn together in our online language school!