Business English courses for Specific Purposes online – English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals

Business English courses for Specific Purposes online - English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals language school online

Learning English for specific purposes is extremely important in today’s globalized world, also in the healthcare and medical professionals sector. This is manifested e.g. in the need to establish contact with a foreign-language patient, consult doctors from other countries, and learn about foreign scientific publications in the field.

Business English courses for Specific Purposes online - English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals language school online

Underneath you will find examples of useful words for the healthcare sector and medical professionals!

allergic reaction to – reacción alérgica a

ambulance – ambulancia

antibiotic – antibiótico

blood work (blood test) – análisis de sangre (prueba de sangre)

break / bone fracture – fractura / fractura ósea

diagnosis – diagnóstico disease – enfermedad

doctor (MD) – médico (MD) dosage – dosificación

emergency – emergencia

feel dizzy – sentirse mareado/a

feel nauseous – sentirse nauseoso/a

fever – fiebre

flu – gripe

hay fever – fiebre del heno

headache – dolor de cabeza

hospital – hospital

migraine – migraña nurse – enfermero/a

prescription – receta médica

psychiatrist – psiquiatra

sick note – nota médica sickness – enfermedad surgeon – cirujano/a

surgery – cirugía

vaccine – vacuna

vomit – vomitar

wheelchair – silla de ruedas

wound – herida

x-ray – radiografía

And useful phrases!

Are there any other symptoms? – ¿Hay algún otro síntoma?

Are you allergic to anything? – ¿Eres alérgico/a a algo?

Are you on medications at the moment? – ¿Estás tomando algún medicamento en este momento?

Can you show me where it hurts? – ¿Puedes mostrarme dónde te duele?

Could you tell me if you smoke? – ¿Podrías decirme si fumas?

Have you ever been operated on or hospitalized for some reason? – ¿Alguna vez te han operado u hospitalizado por alguna razón?

How long have you had those symptoms? – ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas teniendo esos síntomas?

I’d like to know if there are any diseases that run in your family. – Me gustaría saber si hay alguna enfermedad que sea común en tu familia.

What’s been bothering you? – ¿Qué es lo que te ha estado molestando?

What’s the pain like? – ¿Cómo es el dolor?

Where would you put it on a scale from 0 to 10? – ¿En una escala del 0 al 10, qué tan intenso es el dolor?

Business English courses for Specific Purposes online - English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals language school online

How to start fluently using a specialist language for the healthcare sector and medical professionals?

Business English courses for Specific Purposes online – English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals organized by our language school Cambridge School of English will help you learn the specialized vocabulary, the phrases needed in the field and how to use them in a real workplace. The English courses for Specific Purposes – English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals in our school was designed with the help of medical specialists and its goal is to make it easy for you to communicate with patients, doctors, managers, hospital managers and staff.


During our workshops – Business English courses for Specific Purposes online – English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals  – you will expand your language skills in the industry by having discussions, role-playing, presentations, expanding your vocabulary and analyzing the language in industry-focused context. You will also learn how to communicate with people of different accents, for whom English is not their native language. 

Specialists in the field will also help you expand your professional skills – such as passing bad news to your patients, explaining medical procedures and conducting a diagnosis.

Click here to sign up for our Business English courses for Specific Purposes online – English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals!

Business English courses for Specific Purposes online - English for the Healthcare sector and Medical professionals language school online

And to learn on your own - check out our e-learning platforms!

To prepare yourself even better for work in the healthcare industry using English, choose one of our e-learning platforms thanks to which you will be able to develop your language skills online in your free time!

Explore our online platforms!

Cambridge AI Speech Tutor

Thanks to our innovative tool you will perfect your pronunciation in English, in the specific accent chosen by you – it will prove especially useful in the case of communication with patients from different parts of the world.

Cambridge Online Tutor

Thanks to this platform you will advance your language skills with the help of authentic videos, recordings in English topped with short exercises to remember the new information better.

Join us to expand your language skills and career online!