Employees in the banking and finance sector must communicate freely in English, and should also be able to efficiently use expressions and specialist vocabulary that allows them to serve foreign-language clients, work in international corporations or cooperate with partners from other countries. Therefore, the use of business and specialist language becomes necessary to develop a career in finance and banking.
Here we have conducted a short words and phrases list that might help you kickstart your learning journey! Learn those business phrases in German!
- account (Konto)
- account balance (Kontostand)
- advance (Vorauszahlung)
- assignment (Zuweisung/Aufgabe)
- bank balance (Bankguthaben)
- cash (Bargeld)
- cash card (Bankkarte, Geldkarte)
- commodity exchange (Warenbörse)
- company (Unternehmen/Firma)
- credit (Kredit)
- currency (Währung)
- debt (Schulden)
- fee (Gebühr)
- go bust (pleite gehen)
- investments (Investitionen)
- loan (Darlehen/Kredit)
- mortgage (Hypothek)
- price (Preis)
- profit (Gewinn)
- receipt (Quittung)
- refund (Rückerstattung)
- rent (Miete)
- speculation (Spekulation)
- stock exchange (Börse)
- stocks (Aktien)
- tax (Steuern)
- tax heaven (Steueroase)
- transfer the money (Geld überweisen)
- underwriting (Zeichnung/Übernahme)
- value-added tax (Mehrwertsteuer)
How to learn to use English for Specific Purposes in the Banking & Finance industry?
ESP courses – Business English online course – English for Banking & Finance organized by the language school Cambridge School of English is the ideal way to prepare yourself to work in this industry. Specialists in the Business English and English for Banking & Finance fields will help you master the necessary language skills in the ever changing banking industry. You will learn how to make presentations and how to negotiate in the English language, you will learn the specialized vocabulary and how to speak about topics associated with capital markets, global banking trends, investing and many others, needed to work in the industry. During our online courses you will work on the correct pronunciation, leveling the native accent and conveying information in the right tone and intonation.
With the help of our specialists you will expand your interpretation and language analysis skills, which will help you in negotiating and establishing business relations.
To sign up for our offer, click here – ESP courses – Business English online course – English for Banking & Finance – and start learning English for Banking!
E-learning platforms for online learning!
To increase your chances of remembering the learned information and to perfect your language skills, choose one of our great and innovative e-learning platforms that will accompany you in learning while attending our ESP courses – Business English online course – English for Banking & Finance.
Cambridge Online Tutor
An e-learning platform made by our school of English and other foreign languages Cambridge School of English. It is a modern tool, used alongside traditional courses, which includes the Business English course and other ESP courses. It includes hundreds of masterfully crafted exercises, thanks to which you will be able to check your knowledge and perfect your language skills.
Cambridge AI Speech Tutor
A modern learning tool made by the school of English and other foreign languages Cambridge School of English, that allows you to work on your accent and pronunciation in a foreign language online. Both of those topics are extremely important for the proper practice of the profession in banking and finance – they help in proper communication with the client or partner.