Knowledge of the English language is very important in aviation for a wide variety of reasons. Firstly, English is an international language of communication in the airspace, both between pilots and air traffic control, and between pilots of different nationalities. Without the ability to communicate in English, communication in emergency situations could be difficult or impossible. In addition, many documents and procedures in aviation are written in English, so knowledge of that language is essential to understand and comply with these regulations. In addition, flight crews from different countries often work together on aircrafts, so knowing a common language, such as English, facilitates effective communication and cooperation.
Here is the vocabulary useful in the aviation industry!
Helpful vocabulary for Aviation in Spanish and German:
- accident – (span.) accidente, (ger.) Unfall
- airline – (span.) aerolínea, (ger.) Fluggesellschaft
- arrival – (span.) llegada, (ger.) Ankunft
- boarding – (span.) embarque, (ger.) Einsteigen
- book a ticket – (span.) reservar un billete, (ger.) ein Ticket buchen
- business class – (span.) clase ejecutiva, (ger.) Businessklasse
- currency exchange – (span.) cambio de divisas, (ger.) Währungsumtausch
- delayed – (span.) retrasado, (ger.) verspätet
- departure – (span.) salida, (ger.) Abreise
- destination – (span.) destino, (ger.) Reiseziel
- economy class – (span.) clase económica, (ger.) Economy-Klasse
- emergency exit – (span.) salida de emergencia, (ger.) Notausgang
- fasten your seat belts – (span.) abrocharse los cinturones de seguridad, (ger.) Anschnallen Sie sich bitte
- first class – (span.) primera clase, (ger.) erste Klasse
- flight – (span.) vuelo, (ger.) Flug flight
- attendant – (span.) asistente de vuelo, (ger.) Flugbegleiter
- go abroad – (span.) ir al extranjero, (ger.) ins Ausland gehen
- hand luggage – (span.) equipaje de mano, (ger.) Handgepäck
- identification card (ID card) – (span.) documento de identificación (DNI), (ger.) Ausweis (Personalausweis)
- landing – (span.) aterrizaje, (ger.) Landung
- life jackets – (span.) chalecos salvavidas, (ger.) Rettungswesten
- luggage (baggage) – (span.) equipaje, (ger.) Gepäck
- passenger – (span.) pasajero, (ger.) Passagier
- passport – (span.) pasaporte, (ger.) Reisepass
- runway – (span.) pista de aterrizaje, (ger.) Landebahn
- seat number – (span.) número de asiento, (ger.) Sitznummer
- suitcase – (span.) maleta, (ger.) Koffer
- take off – (span.) despegar, (ger.) abheben
- travel agent – (span.) agente de viajes, (ger.) Reisebüro
Phrases for Aviation in Spanish and German:
- Check your luggage. – (span.) Verifica tu equipaje, (ger.) Überprüfen Sie Ihr Gepäck.
- Confirm your flight. – (span.) Confirma tu vuelo, (ger.) Bestätigen Sie Ihren Flug.
- Ensure you do not exceed your baggage allowance. – (span.) Asegúrate de no exceder tu franquicia de equipaje, (ger.) Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihr Gepäcklimit nicht überschreiten.
- Pack your documents. – (span.) Empaca tus documentos, (ger.) Packen Sie Ihre Dokumente ein.
- Prepare for your flight. – (span.) Prepárate para tu vuelo, (ger.) Bereiten Sie sich auf Ihren Flug vor.
- Print your boarding pass. – (span.) Imprime tu pase de abordar, (ger.) Drucken Sie Ihre Bordkarte aus.
- Tag the luggage with your name, address, and phone number. – (span.) Etiqueta el equipaje con tu nombre, dirección y número de teléfono, (ger.) Beschriften Sie das Gepäck mit Ihrem Namen, Ihrer Adresse und Ihrer Telefonnummer.
- Try to check-in online. – (span.) Intenta hacer el check-in en línea, (ger.) Versuchen Sie, online einzuchecken.
To learn the specialized language associated with aviation, to learn how to use it, expand your skills in Business English, sign up for Business English Courses - English for Aviation organized by the language school Cambridge School of English online!
Business English Courses - English for Aviation - what can you learn?
As part of our Business English Courses – English for Aviation course, you will learn to use specialist English and Business English for the industry. With the help of a specialist, you will develop professionally and linguistically, you will open up to new experiences and professional opportunities.
The workshops cover the following topics:
- Language of communication in aviation;
- Ground movements and communication on the ground;
- Runway incursions & environmental hazards;
- Level busts and decision making;
- Approach & landing issues/Technical malfunctions.
…and will develop the following skills in you:
- Ability to use the language fluently;
- Expressing your thoughts more clearly;
- Ability to discuss topics focused on the field confidently;
- Ability to discuss many topics using Business English;
- Using your broadened vocabulary and grammar skills;
E-learning platforms in our language school - choose and start learning English on your own online!
With the help of our wide offer of online learning platforms you will be able to even more you will be able to approach work on your language skills even more effectively and comprehensively.
Cambridge Online Tutor
An e-learning platform made by Cambridge School of English, our language school and other foreign languages, is an innovative solution that complements traditional courses, that includes the Business English and General English courses. It is equipped with numerous, carefully designed exercises that allow you to test and develop your language skills.
Cambridge AI Speech Tutor
Cambridge School of English, a school of English and other foreign languages, offers an innovative tool to improve pronunciation in a foreign language, with the option of choosing an accent – British, American or Australian.