Business English courses online – English for Human Resources (HR)

Business English Courses - English for Human resources HR proffesional business English courses in language school online

In today’s world, in which most companies and firms become internationalized, their focus largely switches to increasing the efficiency associated with managing human resources (HR). Areas such as recruitment and retention, talent management, and training and development are becoming more and more centralized. In order to facilitate this process, HR professionals must not only have a good understanding of all HR processes, but also have the ability to build an effective message in English, using the appropriate HR terminology and methodology.

Here is some of the terminology that is important in this industry:

Business English Courses - English for Human resources HR proffesional business English courses in language school online

Helpful vocabulary for Human Resources (HR) in Spanish and German:

  • advancement – (span.) avance, (ger.) Fortschritt 
  • base pay (basic pay) – (span.) salario base, (ger.) Grundgehalt basic 
  • salary – (span.) salario básico, (ger.) Grundgehalt 
  • bonus – (span.) bonificación, (ger.) Bonus 
  • casual employment contracts – (span.) contratos de trabajo ocasionales, (ger.) befristete Arbeitsverträge 
  • code of conduct – (span.) código de conducta, (ger.) Verhaltenskodex 
  • contract for specific work – (span.) contrato por obra específica, (ger.) Werkvertrag 
  • coworkers – (span.) compañeros de trabajo, (ger.) Arbeitskollegen 
  • earnings – (span.) ganancias, (ger.) Einkommen 
  • education level – (span.) nivel de educación, (ger.) Bildungsstand 
  • fixed-term contract – (span.) contrato a plazo fijo, (ger.) befristeter Vertrag 
  • for a specified period – (span.) por un período especificado, (ger.) für einen festgelegten Zeitraum 
  • for a trial period – (span.) por un período de prueba, (ger.) für eine Probezeit 
  • for an unspecified period – (span.) por un período no especificado, (ger.) für eine unbestimmte Zeit 
  • free-for-task agreement – (span.) acuerdo por tareas específicas, (ger.) Werkvertrag 
  • full-time contract – (span.) contrato a tiempo completo, (ger.) Vollzeitvertrag 
  • health insurance – (span.) seguro de salud, (ger.) Krankenversicherung 
  • job interview – (span.) entrevista de trabajo, (ger.) Vorstellungsgespräch 
  • maternity leave – (span.) permiso de maternidad, (ger.) Mutterschaftsurlaub 
  • minimal wage – (span.) salario mínimo, (ger.) Mindestlohn 
  • net pay – (span.) salario neto, (ger.) Nettogehalt 
  • new hire – (span.) nuevo empleado, (ger.) neuer Mitarbeiter 
  • notice period – (span.) período de aviso, (ger.) Kündigungsfrist 
  • office – (span.) oficina, (ger.) Büro 
  • overtime pay – (span.) pago de horas extras, (ger.) Überstundenvergütung 
  • paid holidays – (span.) vacaciones pagadas, (ger.) bezahlter Urlaub 
  • salary – (span.) salario, (ger.) Gehalt 
  • sick days – (span.) días de enfermedad, (ger.) Krankheitstage 
  • to get fired – (span.) ser despedido, (ger.) entlassen werden 
  • to hire employees – (span.) contratar empleados, (ger.) Mitarbeiter einstellen

Handy phrases for Human Resources (HR) in Spanish and German:

  • Can you tell me a little about yourself? – (span.) ¿Puede decirme un poco sobre usted?, (ger.) Können Sie mir ein wenig über sich selbst erzählen?
  • Could you explain the gap in your employment history? – (span.) ¿Podría explicar el espacio en su historial laboral?, (ger.) Könnten Sie die Lücke in Ihrer Berufserfahrung erklären?
  • Do you know any foreign languages? – (span.) ¿Conoce algún idioma extranjero?, (ger.) Kennen Sie Fremdsprachen?
  • How do you handle failure? – (span.) ¿Cómo maneja el fracaso?, (ger.) Wie gehen Sie mit Misserfolgen um?
  • What qualifications do you have? – (span.) ¿Qué calificaciones tiene?, (ger.) Welche Qualifikationen haben Sie?
  • What were your responsibilities in your previous position? – (span.) ¿Cuáles eran sus responsabilidades en su puesto anterior?, (ger.) Welche waren Ihre Verantwortlichkeiten in Ihrer vorherigen Position?
  • Why should we hire you? – (span.) ¿Por qué deberíamos contratarlo?, (ger.) Warum sollten wir Sie einstellen?

If you wish to learn said terminology, methodology and how to use it in a real workplace setting, Cambridge School of English has a great offer for you!

Join our Business English courses online - English for Human Resources (HR)!

Business English Courses - English for Human resources HR proffesional business English courses in language school online

Organized by Cambridge School of English Business English courses online – English for Human Resources (HR) are the best language workshops meant for HR employees. During them a specialist will share with you their knowledge from fields such as: understanding the role of hr, enhancing recruitment processes, achieving an empowered and motivated workforce, successful employment practice, implementing corporate wide training strategies, the art of downsizing/rightsizing, mergers and acquisitions and language development.


Classes organized by our language school combine practices resulting in the development of language skills with workshops related to professional skills.


Business English courses online – English for Human Resources (HR) will help you bring specialized and Business English into your workplace, opening up a range of new professional opportunities for you!

Combine traditional language courses at our language school with innovative online e-learning platforms!

Business English Courses - English for Human resources HR proffesional business English courses in language school online

All Business English courses organized by the Cambridge School of English can function along our e-learning platforms in the blended-learning formula – thanks to which you will be able to make progress in learning a foreign language on your own.

Choose one of our platforms and start learning!


Cambridge AI Speech Tutor

Our modern platform enables you to perfect your speaking skills in the English language online by choosing and practicing a specific accent that interests you.  English pronunciation is important when working at Human Resources – effective communication is the key to the right relationship between the employee and the employer.


Cambridge Online Tutor

Thanks to our platform you will be able to advance your language skills by watching authentic videos and audios in English, that will be followed by short exercises that will help you remember your newly acquired knowledge.



Sign up for our Business English courses online – English for Human Resources (HR) and start learning!