Terms of Use

§ 1 Definitions

  1. Regulations – this document, the purpose of which is to standardize the terms and conditions of participation in the affiliate program run under the name of the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program (Program), which consists in recommending by a program participant, called the Cambridge Brand Ambassador (Ambassador), the Services included in the Cambridge offer. The Regulations are available in electronic form on the website of the Website available at https://cambridge.pl . Acceptance of these Regulations is a prerequisite for joining the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program. The Regulations do not exclude the application of the provisions of other regulations in force at the Program Organizer, including the Website Regulations and agreements concluded by the Program Organizer with the Cambridge Brand Ambassador.
  2. The Ambassador Program I recommend Cambridge (Program) – an affiliate program that was created and is run by the Cambridge School of English Sp. z o. o. in order to promote the services offered by Cambridge and Cambridge partners available on the Website
  3. Cambridge – The company Cambridge School of English Sp. z o. o. with its seat in Warsaw at ul. Widok 10 / LU 1 (00-023 Warsaw) , registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under number 0000085970, with a share capital of PLN 50,000, NIP 5252147188, REGON 016153582, the administrator of the website and the Program Organizer.
  4. Website – an online store available at https://cambridge.pl through which the Program Organizer sells services and goods remaining in its offer.
  5. Cambridge Brand Ambassador (Ambassador) – a natural person with full legal capacity, a natural person running a business, a legal person and an organizational unit without legal personality, whose special provisions grant legal capacity, which will join the Program by registering and creating an account on the Website. Registration for the Program requires acceptance of these Regulations.
  6. Ambassador’s Account (Account) – an individual account provided by Cambridge to the Ambassador with a unique designation (login) assigned, enabling participation in the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program, on which, among others, Ambassador’s data and information about his activities under the Program. As part of the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program, there are two types of Accounts: a Simple Account appropriate for natural persons and a Business Account for natural persons conducting business activity, if their activity under the Program is directly related to their business activity, and the Agreement is intended for that person professional nature, resulting from the subject of business activity, Privileged Entrepreneurs, legal persons and organizational units without legal personality, whose special provisions grant legal capacity.
  7. Agreement – a legal relationship between the Ambassador and Cambridge, the terms of which are governed by these Regulations, and in the case of a Business Account, it may additionally be regulated by a separate document.
  8. New Client – a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, but able to acquire rights and incur liabilities on its own behalf, which did not use the Referral Link within the last year from the date of purchase of products or services from Cambridge products / services.
  9. Purchase of a New Client – a situation in which a New Client, using the Referrer Link provided by the Ambassador, is redirected to the website of the Website and purchases goods or services offered by the Program Organizer paying the full amount of the price.
  10. Referral Link – a unique link generated by the Program Organizer, referring to the website of the Website, containing attributes that allow assigning the New Customer Purchase to the affiliate activities of a specific Ambassador.
  11. Social media – means of social communication with a wide range, such as instant messaging, social networks, discussion forums, websites, blogs and other channels of global Internet communication, including in particular: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok , Messenger, Skype, Snapchat, Tinder , Instagram, Whatsapp, Google Hangouts .
  12. Commission – funds granted to the Ambassador by the Program Organizer for the Purchase of a New Client on the terms set out in these Regulations.
  13. Potential Client – a natural person, legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, but able to acquire rights and incur liabilities on its own behalf, interested in services / goods remaining in the Cambridge offer.
  14. Consumer – a natural person who performs a legal transaction with the entrepreneur not related directly to his business or professional activity.
  15. Privileged entrepreneur – a natural person running a business, concluding an Agreement directly related to its business activity, if the content of the Agreement is not of a professional nature for that person, resulting in particular from the subject of the business activity performed by that person.
  16. False movements – any activities aimed at falsifying data concerning the Program.
  17. Website Regulations – Regulations governing the functioning of the Website and the terms and conditions of concluding Agreements and providing services by electronic means. Sale of services and products of Cambridge School of English Sp. z o. o. and its partners for the provision of electronic services.

§ 2 Detailed conditions for participation in the Ambassador Program I recommend Cambridge

  1. Joining the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program is voluntary.
  2. Participation in the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program is based on the Ambassador’s affiliate activities, under which the Ambassador makes independent decisions as to what social media, how, to whom and what Offers Cambridge will recommend by providing a Referring Link. The Ambassador may also place the Referrer Link on the website he manages, to which he must have a legal title for the entire period in which the Referrer Link is published on it, or make it available by other means than through social media.
  3. In order to use the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program, the Ambassador must have a device with Internet access, an operating system and a program for browsing Internet resources, as well as having his own e-mail box with an e-mail address.
  4. Participation in the Program requires a Simple Account or a Business Account and registration in the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program, which is possible by selecting the Join the Recommended Cambridge Ambassador Program option available at: https://cambridge.pl/program-partnerski Registration requires the acceptance of the Regulations by checking the appropriate box ( checkbox ) and means the conclusion of the contract, the terms of which are governed by these Regulations exhaustively in the case of a Simple Account, and in the case of a Business Account, an additional separate agreement is required. The Regulations may be saved by the Ambassador on a durable medium or printed.
  5. Confirmation of the correct registration and conclusion of the Agreement is the receipt of a message to the e-mail address provided during registration, containing a link to activate the Ambassador’s Account.
  6. In order to use all the functionalities of the “I recommend Cambridge” Program, the Ambassador should complete the contact details and data necessary for billing purposes, PESEL number, bank account number, address, correspondence address and data of the appropriate Tax Office (in order to prepare a tax declaration) in the settings panel of the Ambassador’s Account. ) at the latest by the end of the month in which the minimum commission amount entitling to its payment was exceeded. Providing this data is voluntary but necessary to establish the right to the Commission and its payment.
  7. The Ambassador is obliged throughout the term of the Agreement to ensure that his data provided in the Ambassador’s Account settings are up-to-date and true.
  8. The contract with the Ambassador is concluded for an indefinite period. The Program Organizer may terminate the Program at any time, 30 days in advance, which is tantamount to termination of the Agreement. He will notify the Ambassadors of the above via e-mail. The Program Organizer has the right to update, modify and add to its offer new services or limit access or withdraw services existing at the time the Ambassador joins the Program
  9. Cambridge is not responsible for the actions of the Program Ambassadors, including the content they provide when participating in the Program.
  10. The Ambassador bears full responsibility for the actions and content posted by him on the occasion of participation in the Program, including in particular for the content shared with the Referrer Link.
  11. The Ambassador forbids that during the implementation of the Program, in particular when sharing the Referrer Link and in conjunction with materials and information related to Cambridge (including the Cambridge offer), post any materials with morally reprehensible, offensive, vulgar content, contrary to decency, including containing racist, pornographic, violent or inviting content or in any other way endangering the image and reputation of Cambridge or its partners, including other Program Participants. To the ambassador
  12. The Ambassador is also not allowed to publish when participating in the Program, including in particular in conjunction with materials promoting Cambridge or containing a Referrer Link, content that violates the law, the rights of third parties, as well as good manners.
  13. The Ambassador is not authorized to interfere with the content of the Cambridge offer, including the one to be promoted via the Referrer Link, and may not modify the works and logos belonging to the Program Organizer. The content and materials provided by the Ambassador may not be misleading as to the services / products offered by the Program Organizer, as well as the functionality, conditions and costs of using the Website.
  14. The Ambassador may not make False movements or apply solutions aimed at falsifying data concerning participation in the Program.
  15. The Ambassador is solely responsible for: the data provided by him necessary for contact and billing purposes, the correct configuration of the Ambassador’s Account in terms of the functionalities provided, the provision of his individual access data to the Ambassador’s Account, such as login and password to third parties.
  16. The Program Organizer has the right to control and verify the way the Program is implemented by the Ambassador as to the method of sharing Referral Links, compliance with these Regulations and the Regulations of the Website. Verification may include, inter alia, checking the compliance of the pages on which the Referral Links are published with the requirements of the Regulations, compliance of the Ambassador’s actions with the provisions of the Regulations and legal regulations.
  17. If the Ambassador’s actions violate the provisions of these Regulations or the Regulations of the Website, or are in conflict with the Program assumptions described in the Regulations, Cambridge may send the Ambassador to the Ambassador’s e-mail address an instruction with a warning, a call to cease the violations, and Cambridge has the right to cancel the granted Commission to the Ambassador and exclude the Ambassador from the Program if the Organizer considers the violation to be serious or if the violations are notorious. In the event of exclusion from the Program, the Agreement linking the Ambassador with Cambridge shall be terminated immediately, which will take place by submitting a declaration by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the Ambassador’s Account settings.

§ 3 Commission

  1. The Ambassador is entitled to a Commission if, in a manner consistent with the Regulations, he acquires a New Customer who, using the Referral Link, will be redirected to the Website and purchase products or services offered by the Program Organizer, pay the full amount of the price and will not withdraw from the contract within the period prescribed by law. . Receivables due from the New Client and unpaid will not constitute the basis for granting the right to the Commission.
  2. The commission for the Ambassador, depending on the service / product, is from 3 to 5% of the net price (depending on the category of products and services, after a possible discount) of the purchase of a new customer who used the referral link during the transaction.
  3. The payment of the Commission will take place after submitting a withdrawal request as part of the Ambassador’s Account functionality, which will take place at the earliest in the month following the month in which the New Customer Purchase took place and the minimum amount of the commission payment indicated in paragraph 8 and not later than within 3 months from the next month for which the Commission should be awarded.
  4. The basis for the settlement will be the information provided by the Organizer on the Ambassador’s Account, including the number of New Customer’s Purchases that meet the payment conditions set out in these Regulations and the amount of the Commission.
  5. The Organizer will verify the legitimacy of the request, including the method of acquiring a New Customer by the Ambassador, in particular with regard to compliance with the Regulations when providing Referrer Links, within 30 days of submitting the request for payment of the Commission. Positive verification of the Commission submitted for payment means that it is granted to the Ambassador, and in the case of a Business Account, it is the basis for the Ambassador to upload / attach an invoice / bill. Negative verification, including in the event that it is found that the request for the payment of the commission relates to the commission charged as a result of the Ambassador’s breach of the Regulations, misleading the Organizer, concealing by the Ambassador information affecting the amount of the commission, as a result of a prohibited act, including fraudulent attempts , The commission will not be paid to the Ambassador, and if the payment has already taken place, the Organizer will have the right to demand its return within 7 days from the date of the request.
  6. In the case of an Ambassador using the Program via a Business Account, the Commission will be paid on the basis of an invoice / bill issued correctly, including in accordance with the Regulations, with a 60-day payment term. The invoice / bill should be issued based on the billing data contained in the Program Participant’s Account in the Settlements tab. If the Program Participant is an entity registered in the EU, invoices issued by him should be issued in accordance with the regulations in force in the EU.
  7. In the case of an Ambassador using the Program via a Simple Account, the commission is paid automatically after positive verification of the submitted withdrawal request and provided that the Program Participant provides the data indicated in § 2 sec. 6 of the Regulations.
  8. The commission will be paid to the bank account indicated by the Ambassador, but the minimum withdrawal amount must be higher than or equal to PLN 50 net. In the event of termination of the Agreement in the cases referred to in § 4 of the Regulations, it is possible to pay the Commission regardless of the above requirement.
  9. The commission will be paid to the Ambassador not more frequently than once in a calendar month, by the 15th day of the month, or if the 15th day of the month falls on a non-working day, on the first business day following that day.
  10. The Program Organizer will send the Ambassadors using the program via the Simple Account to the e-mail address provided by them and assigned to the Ambassador’s Account, tax declarations and documents constituting the basis for the independent settlement of the annual tax liabilities, if in the year to which the settlement relates, there is an obligation to send the declaration. The Ambassador agrees to send tax declarations in electronic form to the e-mail address provided by him and assigned to his Account.
  11. Ambassadors using the program through their Corporate Account are required to make appropriate settlements on their own and on their own account for tax obligations related to earning revenues as part of participation in the Program. The Organizer is not responsible for the Ambassador’s failure or improper fulfillment of his obligations under the tax law.

§ 4 Termination of the Agreement

  1. The Ambassador may terminate the Agreement at any time, thus resigning from participation in the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program. The Agreement is terminated by clicking the “I terminate the Agreement” option available in the Ambassador’s Accounts panel.
  2. Termination of the Agreement means resignation from the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program and results in the inability to use all the functionalities of the Program, including the possibility of sharing Referral Links. Upon termination of the Agreement, the Ambassador also loses the right to the Commission if the New Client, using the Referring Ambassador’s Link, purchases goods or services offered by the Program Organizer after the termination of the Agreement.
  3. In the event of termination of the Agreement, the Program Organizer, after verifying the entitlement to the payment of the Commission accrued during the term of the Agreement, will pay the Commission on the date specified in the Regulations.

§ 5 Withdrawal from the Agreement

An Ambassador who is a Consumer or a Privileged Entrepreneur has the right to withdraw from the Agreement without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of its conclusion. To do this, inform the Program Organizer about the decision to withdraw by submitting a declaration by e-mail from the e-mail address provided in the Ambassador’s Account settings to the e-mail address provided: ambasador@cambridge.pl . The declaration of withdrawal may also be sent to the following address: Cambridge School of English Sp. z o. o. ul. Widok 10 / LU1, 00-023 Warsaw. The template of the declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement, which may be used by the Ambassador, constitutes Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations.

§ 6 Complaints

  • The Ambassador has the right to submit a complaint in connection with the operation of the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program and participation in it.
  • Complaints should be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: ambasador@cambridge.pl or to the address of Cambridge School of English Sp. z o. o. ul. Widok 10 / LU1, 00-023 Warsaw, within 7 days from the date of receiving information about the basis for the complaint.
  • The complaint should contain at least the data enabling the identification of the Ambassador submitting the complaint and a description of the failure with justification.

Information on the result of the complaint procedure will be provided by e-mail or by traditional mail within 30 days from the date of delivery of the complaint to the Program Organizer.


§  7 Confidentiality

All data and information provided to the Ambassador as part of the Agreement will be treated confidentially by the Program Participant and will not be disclosed to third parties without the consent of the Program Organizer, except for the information whose disclosure is required by mandatory provisions of law.


§ 8 Protection of Ambassadors’ personal data

  1. The administrator of the personal data of the Ambassadors, in connection with the organization of the Program, is Cambridge (Program Organizer), which processes personal data in accordance with applicable law, in particular with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 in on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection, “GDPR”) and the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal 2018, item 1000 as amended).
  2. The Ambassador may at any time submit a query regarding the processing of his personal data by Cambridge to the following e-mail address: ambasador@cambridge.pl .
  3. Cambridge processes the personal data of Ambassadors for purposes related to participation in the Program, the performance of accounting and tax obligations, as well as for the purpose of contacting Ambassadors, including in the scope of answering their questions and considering complaints submitted by them. In addition, Cambridge processes the personal data of the Ambassadors for statistical and archiving purposes.
  4. Personal data processed by Cambridge include the following data: login, surname and first name, address, e-mail address, and in the case of Ambassadors who will fulfill the conditions for granting the Commission: Ambassador’s bank account number, PESEL number, date of birth.
  5. The personal data of the Ambassadors will be kept by Cambridge for the following periods:
  6. for the period of participation in the Program and to the extent necessary to document participation for tax settlements for 5 years from the end of the year in which the obligation to make a tax settlement in connection with participation in the Program expired (pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR ). After this period, the personal data of the Ambassador will be deleted.
  7. after termination of participation in the Program, in the event of termination of the Agreement, for the purposes of tax settlements for 5 years from the end of the year in which the obligation to make a tax settlement in connection with participation in the Program expired (pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR) . After this period, the personal data of the Ambassador will be deleted.
  8. in the event of termination or withdrawal from the Agreement concluded with the Ambassador who did not meet the conditions for granting the Commission, the data will be processed for 120 days from the termination of the Agreement or withdrawal from it, and after this date will be deleted.
  9. Ambassadors have the full possibility of exercising their rights in relation to the processed personal data, i.e. the right to access and obtain a copy of the data, the right to rectify data, the right to delete data (“the right to be forgotten”), the right to limit processing, the right to to data portability, the right to object to processing.
  10. Other issues related to the protection of personal data are regulated by the Privacy Policy available on the Website.

§ 9 Final provisions

  1. The generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply to matters not covered by these Regulations and additional agreements concluded as part of the I recommend Cambridge Ambassador Program.
  2. If the Court finds that any of the provisions of the Regulations are invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in force.
  3. An ambassador who is a consumer has the option of an out-of-court complaint and redress procedure before the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court at the Mazowieckie Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection. Information on access to the above-mentioned mode and the dispute resolution procedure can be found at: http://www.uokik.gov.pl , in the “Settlement of consumer disputes” tab. The participant who is a consumer also has the option of using the EU ODR internet platform, available at the following internet address: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ , as well as may bring an action before a competent common court.
  4. The jurisdiction of Polish courts is used to settle disputes, and the court competent to settle any disputes will be the court competent for the seat of the Organizer, taking into account the different rights of Ambassadors who are natural persons and Privileged Entrepreneurs, which they are entitled to under applicable law.
  5. In the event of drawing up the Regulations in several different languages, in the event of an interpretation dispute, the Polish version will be decisive.