"Cambridge" School of English - Our language schools Vision and Mission Statement - our Key to Success
Our Vision & Mission Statement
At “Cambridge” School of English, we feel responsible towards our clients, students, staff, teachers, suppliers, as well as towards the social environment in which we operate. Our corporate decisions and actions are transparent and characterized by continuity and durability as well as professionalism.
Thanks to this, we ensure credibility, value, motivation and success measurable in accordance with exemplary learning outcomes. We focus on quality, openness, flexibility and honest cooperation in the spirit of partnership.
1. Mission
Our Mission is to provide you, our students and clients, with …
“Your complete Language Learning Experience!”
… and to achieve and support that, we are constantly developing our existing and searching for new products and services in the area of integrated innovative quality language teaching and learning environment with a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in order to support our students/clients personal learning goals and needs. We undertake everything that is possible to provide our customers with the best possible support available in our sector, at the same standards all around the world, through joint development of goals and objectives, identification of them and finally through the development of the optimized learning program and path, basing as well on selecting the most appropriate teachers in combination with the best fitting learning tools to achieve such objectives and personal goals in an “enjoyable” way.

Our wish is to provide “top quality services” for “fair prices” in all ranges of services offered by us. Our priority and the sincerest intention is to make our customers fully satisfied.
In order to reach this target, the following elements have been introduced:
- An organization consisting of excellent and competent people, who do understand in all aspects the needs of our clients and are able to transfer this with our resources in excellent results for our students and clients – in a human centered and heuristic approach
- Constant recruitment and selection process of the best possible teachers and trainers available, and to provide own teachers training and further education, as well as “central academic advise” as key competence within our organization, support and coaching, to guarantee global teaching services on the highest possible standards everywhere
- development of individualized methods, global standards and procedures
- usage of innovative and best tools available on the market to support the language learning process, which also allow us to check the level of our students’ progress and quality of process, monitor the results and to retune the learning path, tool set and learning process if needed, to achieve the best learning outcome in an enjoyable way for our students
- market and trend observation of available tools and technologies – worldwide
- to recognize and follow the needs of our students and clients, and to be able to implement new and also innovative products/services, like our English online language courses and tools to be in the position of the global market leader and trend setter within the education sector in combination with traditional values and best practice processes
Our clients are corporates and public institutions, as well as private individuals, from small kids, teens to adults (also at an advanced age), with the interest to improve their personal language skills – worldwide.
Our professional products and services are designed to fit each of our students and clients, and our intention is to always provide high quality, student-centered and goal-oriented services and online language courses, in an enjoyable way and professional learning environment.
2. Vison
To become one of the worldwide leading organizations and the …
“We at language school "Cambridge" School of English do identify us as a Professional academic Competence Center for the best Learning Process & Progress”
… in the area of education, training and language related services on highest quality level.
We want to become the number one for our clients what concerns language services and education, now and also in an innovative and technology oriented future, where social contacts and face-to-face tutoring will be still an important part of – with individual approach, tailor made solutions and packages, based on discussed and defined concrete goals and wanted achievements of our students and clients, for the most affordable budgets – in an sustainable way, protecting also our planet’s future in the best way possible, that also the future generations will have a world worth to live in.

The philosophy of education examines the goals, forms, methods, tools and meaning of education and learning in a holistic way, where we seek all academic needs of the student and to engage all aspects of the learners in creating the best educational program and enjoyable learning path for our students
(“Edutainment” – making learning enjoyable).
3. Key to Success
In two words – …
“We care…”
… – and the leverage for our business is the passion and hard work we put in our daily activities and work to master the challenges.

We believe that our success is attributed to the following factors:
- The key for our business operations is the academic core competence in an open minded and future oriented environment with student centered pro-active focus and priority
- Professional, Individualized and Sustainable teaching and learning approach – true and deep online learning in an enjoyable way => Edutainment
- Reaching out globally with same standards, but local adaptation
- Open-minded, innovative, future oriented, but also critical and challenging ourselves
- Fair prices with focus on high quality and value, as well as on Best Price / Value Relation -> good quality cannot be provided for free
- Student/client centered, Goal and Value oriented driven approach
- Customer care and Service orientation
- Our own Know-How based on market experience and expertise
- Utilization of new and innovative technologies in a creative product / service development process
- Continuous development of our products and creation of new services and online English language courses and innovative tools
- Highly skilled workforce with qualifications, service orientation and care about our clients and partners
- Involvement with our partners and having a close cooperation
- Products tailored to customer’s individual needs and expectations
- Selection of best teachers and internal education/training process – global qualified and well selected pool of teachers and trainers
At our language school “Cambridge” School of English, we are always
“In Search of Excellence”
for the best teachers and trainers available, for the best and most innovative tools globally, to provide the best service and online language courses to our clients and support in the best way possible our students learning path and progress to achieve their personal learning goals – all the time.