Our FCE online exam preparation courses – join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English – why is it worth participating in?

Our FCE online exam preparation courses - join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English - why is it worth participating in? b2 english certificate

FCE (First Certificate in English) is an international English language exam that rates the communication skills on the B2 level – that is upper intermediate. Having the FCE certificate confirms that the person has an intermediate knowledge of the English language at a level that allows for communication in real-life situations, both at work and in science. The exam consists of five sections: Reading, Writing, Use of English (grammar and vocabulary), Listening,  and Speaking. The FCE exam is recognized around the world by the association and universities as a confirmation of good knowledge of English at the intermediate level.

Our FCE online exam preparation courses - join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English - why is it worth participating in? b2 english certificate

Why choose one of our FCE Online exam preparation courses - the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English is the best way of preparing for your exam?

During our FCE exam preparation online courses, our experienced teachers and tutors use various effective and proven methods of preparing for the different language exams, thanks to which each student will be able to achieve the highest possible exam result with their own effort. Our students are supervised by the team of our methodologists with many years of experience, who make sure that teachers are up to date with the latest, effective teaching methods.

Our specialists also show an extremely useful ability to approach each student individually, which gives them the greatest opportunity to develop their language skills, recognize and correct their mistakes.

During the workshop, in addition to perfect substantive preparation for the questions of the certification exam, by solving mock exam papers, the student will get to know its formula, type of tasks, how to solve them and manage time during the exam.

Our FCE exam preparation courses are held in the form of online classes or individual online lessons, which increases comfort and is a great convenience – people from all over the world can join our English language courses.

We also offer a wide array of blended-learning opportunities – so that the Student can learn in the most effective way possible through our carefully crafted and professional platforms, such as Cambridge Online Tutor, Cambridge AI Speech Tutor or Cambridge.Exams. All of these offer different ways of learning, all effective and stimulating for the mind and preparing you for all kinds of English language exams. Our Cambridge Exam platform will prepare you for the specific certificate in the best way possible, also through giving you access to several mock exams, through which you will be able to learn the formula of the exam – how to solve the problems and how to manage time during it.

By connecting these e-learning platforms with the courses with our teachers you can be sure that you will learn each and every thing required from you and more during the exam!

Our Cambridge School of English has over its over thirty years of existence worked with many high-end clients, such as Coca-Cola, Nestle or different Ministries and Universities, who are also using public grants for their training and we are accredited to do that. If they trusted us, then so can You!

Over 90% of our clients pass their language exams with flying colors!

In addition, you can sign up for one of our online FCE exam preparation courses at any time! Registration and running such English language courses and lessons lasts all year long!

Our FCE online exam preparation courses - join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English - why is it worth participating in? b2 english certificate

What are the advantages of having the FCE Certificate?

  • During the online exam preparation courses for this exam you perfect your practical language skills and improve the four key elements of language knowledge.
  • This certificate is recognized by institutions, schools and universities all around the world as proof of English language knowledge on the upper intermediate B2 level.
  • It gives you a higher chance of getting into universities abroad, in English-speaking countries.
  • It allows you to earn a bachelor’s degree in English in countries where it is not the native language
  • This certificate can contribute to professional success and higher earnings both in your country and abroad, as it is recognized by renowned companies such as Adidas, Coca-Cola, Siemens sp. z o.o., Hewlett-Packard.
  • This certificate will allow you to apply for undergraduate and graduate study programs in English in whatever country!
Our FCE online exam preparation courses - join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English - why is it worth participating in? b2 english certificate

Sign up now for our FCE Online exam preparation courses - join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English!

Check out our Cambridge “FCE” (B2 First) online exam preparation course and prepare using our fantastic e-learning platform!


Our online learning platform Cambridge-Exam.courses can both complement our online exam courses and be a standalone way to study and prepare for your FCE English certificate. Thanks to the platform, you will gain access to many materials, such as sample exam tasks, exercises, cards for learning vocabulary and grammar and a study plan. You will be able to track your progress. Another great feature are the multiple mock exams included for every single course! Thanks to our online learning platform, you will be fully prepared to pass the FCE exam!


FREE TRIAL for our FCE exam preparation online platform!

 Now, you have the opportunity to test out our Cambridge-Exam.courses e-learning platform completely for free! All it takes is for you to log into the following website:




Using the following username and password:


Username : demo@cambridge-exam.courses
Password : global1


Now you can try out and get to know all the amazing features for free!

Check out our FCE Online exam preparation courses – join the FCE online course in our English language school Cambridge School of English here!