Help for Ukraine Cambridge School of English language school – free online Polish language learning for refugees from Ukraine and other aid projects

Help for Ukraine Cambridge School of English language school - free online Polish language learning for refugees from Ukraine

There are already over 1.6 million refugees from Ukraine in Poland, and the number is still growing.

Our  language school –  Cambridge School of English – is an innovative center for developing competences in the field of language learning and language development. This is our area of ​​specialization, which is the reason why we decided to organize help for Ukraine from this place. We offer a range of discounts and  free courses for those who need it the most today. We constantly update our offer to help more people.

War, separation from loved ones, fear and uncertainty, and a foreign country with an unknown language. We are aware of how much this affects the human psyche. That is why we organize language courses for children, teenagers and adults, hoping that we will make their stay here a little easier at this difficult time.

Free online Polish language learning for refugees from Ukraine

The E = mc2 Association has 2,000 coupons, thanks to which it is possible to learn Polish online free of charge for refugees from Ukraine, in the uTalk application. Free access to the application is available for a period of 3 months. This offer is addressed mainly to the poeple who need help the most, e.g. mothers and children who do not have any family in Poland and do not speak the language. We would like learning to make their stay here less stressful and make their acclimatization to new conditions easier. At school, children will be less reluctant to play with their peers. On the other hand, mothers, thanks to the understanding and use of even basic phrases in Polish, will not have such problems, e.g. with making an appointment for a child to see a doctor.

To get access, just write to our e-mail: or fill in the questionnaire The e-mail should include the name and surname and age of the child.

If you know someone who could benefit from such help, you can give them the information, along with the e-mail address.


Learning Polish online for people from Ukraine

We have a special access option to our uTalk application, intended for people from Ukraine. We offer learning Polish online for one year in the uTalk application, with a 30% discount. Learning Polish online for children, adolescents and adults in the uTalk application is quick and easy, so we believe that it will help you acclimatize faster. We hope that reducing the language barrier and communication problems will help reduce the stress resulting from being in a foreign country, at least to a small extent.

Learn some Ukrainian words to improve communication

Are you lost? – Ви загубилися? (Wy zahubylysja)

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Currency exchange– обмін валюти (Obmin valyuty)

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WC – туалет (Tualet)

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How are you feeling? – як ви себе почуваєте? (Jak wy sebe poczuwajete)

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Yes – так (Tak)

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Information – інформація (Informatsiya)

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My Ukrainian isn’t very good – Я ледь говорю українською мовою (Ja ledz’ hovoriu ukrajinsʹkoju movoju)

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Where is? – Де це (De tse)

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Bus stop – автобусна зупинка (Avtobusna zupynka)

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Where do you want to travel to? – куди ви хочете доїхати? (Kudy wy choczete dojichaty)

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I’m sorry – вибачте (Vybachte)

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Good afternoon – добрий день (Dobryy denʹ)

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Please – будь ласка (Budʹ laska)

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Thank you – Дякую (Dyakuyu)

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Money – гроші (Hroszi)

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Goodbye – до побачення (Do pobachennya)

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I don’t know – Я не знаю (Ja ne znaju)

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Hello – Привіт (Pryvit)

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I don’t understand – Я не розумію (Ja ne rozumiju)

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