Cambridge English First Certificate B2 Exam Preparation Course online (FCE B2 exam preparation courses online – First Certificate in English)

Cambridge English First Exam Preparation - FCE exam preparation Course online - Description

Suggested course materials: our special FCE B2 exam preparation e-learning platform with mock exams for best self-learning or, in combination with an experienced English teacher, blended learning effects. On top is also available our Cambridge AI Speech Tutor “Pro”, which is giving you the possibility to train your English Speaking abilities and skills on our self-learning platform at

Our Cambridge English FCE B2 exam preparation e-learning platform with included mock exams is replacing regular course books, but as our virtual FCE B2 exam preparation course book with special blended learning mode (in combination with an English teacher) will be supplemented with exam materials, past tests, and various communicative activities so as to encourage maximum interaction within the group and maximise students’ progress.

Our Director of Studies and the academic team will make sure the lessons follow our syllabus and also focus on the individual learner’s needs and expectations. Your English teacher will pay particular attention to various aspects of the English language such as grammar, lexis, syntax, phonology as well as the productive and receptive skills and at the same time maintain a fairly relaxed atmosphere conducive to learning and communicating in any English speaking environment.

Cambridge English Language school FCE exam preparation Course online

The FCE B2 online exam preparation Crash Course will concentrate on teaching and coaching. Therefore we will make every endeavour that even balance of importance is put on the Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking and Use of English components. We will teach you how to write coherent and cohesive essays intelligible to the reader. We will also expand your range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. We will teach you to think in English and express your ideas fluently and accurately. Using our special FCE exam preparation online e-learning platform, you will have a chance to take mock exams to check your progress!

Our Director of Studies and the academic team are always available to discuss with individual students their specific language needs. They will also monitor your progress throughout your courses, and with our e-learning platform you can as well observe your progress, strength and weaknesses in real time. Feel free to approach us and discuss anything related to your study and we will be happy to provide you with guidance.

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Cambridge English Language school FCE exam preparation Course online

Committed to providing the best value. Intensive FCE exam preparation courses online! Learn English to prepare for the FCE exam online. Come and join us at our English language school online!