Join one of our short term intensive Business English language courses online – English online language Courses for the Energy, Oil and Gas Industries
Why should you attend?
The Energy and Oil and Gas industries form a key market sector in today’s globalised economy. English is the international language of co-operation throughout large parts of the sector. New technologies, climate change, resource depletion, the rapid growth in demand from industrialising countries in Asia, energy security and the liberalisation of markets are all issues which are both widely discussed in society and underpin the framework within which the energy industry operates. This course will give you the language and the confidence, not only to discuss such issues coherently but also to operate more effectively in your specific role in English.
If you need to achieve a certain language proficiency level, learn more here!
Turning Theory in Practice
This course encourages participants from the oil and gas industry to develop their communication skills in relevant situations and contexts. The programme will be based around the needs of the participants, developing language skills through discussion, role-plays, presentations, vocabulary development and language analysis in contexts relevant to the Energy, Oil & Gas sectors.

Understanding the Vocabulary of the Energy and Oil and Gas Industry
- Power generation;
- Energy sources (hydrocarbons, renewables, nuclear);
- Sectors and markets;
- The legislative and governmental framework;
- Competition and deregulation.
Oil and Gas Industry Issues
- Environment;
- Health and safety;
- Sales, marketing and service;
- HR (recruitment, secondment, retention, development);
- Supply and demand, energy security, strategy.
Talking Technical
- Grids, transmission and distribution;
- Energy efficiency processes and technical issues;
- Trends and technological developments.
Language Development
- Fluency and vocabulary development;
- Feedback on accuracy and pronunciation.
Business Language Skills for Use in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Presenting information;
- Forecasting;
- Describing trends;
- Describing processes;
- Negotiating;
- Taking part in meetings.
Historical Oil and Gas Case Study
- A detailed analysis of conflict and compromise between industrial and environmental interests in the oil and gas industry
If you are wondering what is your language proficiency level, solve our free placement test to figure it out!

Benefits to you:
- Improving your English language skills in contexts relevant to your role;
- Developing your ability to communicate information across sectors in English;
- Benchmarking your knowledge with other oil and gas industry professionals;
- Discussing oil and gas industry case studies;
- Building on your skills in presenting technical information in English related to the oil and gas industry;
- Increasing your confidence when dealing with clients and colleagues in English;
- Fast tracking the development in your overall language ability.
If you want to improve your foreign language skills, check out our individual courses!
Who should attend:
Energy industry professionals working in oil and gas Industries in international
environments or multi-national companies, who deal with people from all over the
world, whether clients or colleagues in English.
If you want to claim a certain certificate, prepare for the exam with our English language school’s English language courses!

Our English for Engineering online ESP course
Main areas of focus:
- Measurement – Dimensions/calculations/parameters/accuracy;
- Materials – Material types/Non-ferrous metals/Polymers/material properties;
- Manufacturing & Assembly – Components/Machining/interconnection;
- Static & Dynamic Principles – Load/stress/acceleration & motion;
- Mechanisation & Electricity – Engines/transmission/currents/voltage;
On Completion:
- Ability to show greater fluency in a number of face-to-face business situations;
- Ability to draft clearer and more concise business documents;
- Ability to discuss and deal with technical topics with confidence using up- to-date business terms;
- Ability to accurately describe company products;
- Broad range of new vocabulary and grammar skills;
- Ability to deal with colleagues and customers on the phone.
Our English for Project Managers Online ESP language course
Main areas of focus:
- IT problems – Software limitations/Complaints;
- Software development specifications – life cycle project models/Discussing requirements;
- Designing software – System design options/timescales/GUIs;
- Development – Assessing feedback/describing formulas/discussing change requests;
- Testing – Progress and problems with testing;
- Implementation & Support – Schedules/dealing with users.
On completion:
- Ability to show greater fluency in a number of face-to-face business situations;
- Ability to draft clearer and more concise business documents;
- Ability to discuss and deal with project management topics with confidence using up- to-date business terms;
- Ability to accurately describe company products;
- Broad range of new vocabulary and grammar skills;
- Ability to deal with colleagues and customers on the phone.
Our English for the Energy Sector online ESP language course
Main areas of focus:
- Customers & Sales – Company products/Customers/Regulation;
- Markets – Residental, Business & Industrial/Consumer watchdogs;
- Emissions and Environmental Issues – Energy saving/Emissions trading/Kyoto Protocol;
- Nuclear Energy – Safety & Security/Waste disposal/Nuclear fusion;
- Investment plans – Mergers/ SWOT analyses/Financial documents;
- The future of energy – Supply & Demand/The hydrogen economy.
On Completion:
- Ability to show greater fluency in a number of face-to-face business situations;
- Ability to draft clearer and more concise business documents;
- Ability to discuss and deal with modern energy sector topics with confidence using up- to-date business terms;
- Ability to accurately describe company products;
- Broad range of new vocabulary and grammar skills.
Our English for Aviation online ESP language course
Main areas of focus:
- Language of communication in aviation;
- Ground movements and communication on the ground;
- Runway incursions & environmental hazards;
- Level busts and decision making;
- Approach & landing issues/Technical malfunctions.
On completion:
- Ability to show greater fluency in a number of real life situations;
- Ability to be clearer and more concise;
- Ability to discuss aviation topics with confidence;
- Ability to conduct a clear discussions in a wide range of situations;
- Broad range of new vocabulary and grammar skills and perfect LCAO test preparation.
Our English for IT Professionals online ESP language course
Main areas of focus:
- IT problems – Software limitations/Complaints;
- Software development specifications – life cycle project models/Discussing requirements;
- Designing software – System design options/timescales/GUIs;
- Development – Assessing feedback/describing formulas/discussing change requests;
- Testing – Progress and problems with testing;
- Implementation & Support – Schedules/dealing with users.
On completion:
- Ability to show greater fluency in a number of face-to-face business situations;
- Ability to draft clearer and more concise business documents;
- Ability to discuss and deal with IT topics with confidence using up- to-date business terms;
- Ability to accurately describe company products;
- Broad range of new vocabulary and grammar skills;
- Ability to deal with colleagues and customers on the phone.
Check out our other specialized Business English online language courses here!