Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management

Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management HR business english for different proffesions in a language school online

Work in the Human Resources field is very significant for the proper functioning of a company – thanks to it the personnel works in a right, more organized and effective way. People who manage Human Resources must know the company’s strategy well, must be able to mediate between the employees and the board and must be capable of time management and giving out tasks. They should also be good at judging people and their skills.

Other than that, people working in HR should not only have professional skills – they should also have the ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language. This skill is the way to establishing fruitful cooperation with foreign-language employees and clients, as well as with potential foreign business partners of the company. For a person who masters business and specialized English, new career paths are also opening, related to working abroad and having better earnings.

Can you learn both of these skills at the same time?

Yes! Do it with the help of the courses in our Language School!

Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management HR business english for different proffesions in a language school online

Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management

Made by the best specialists in both the language and the industry for our language school Cambridge School of English in association with EDUardo Business Simulation, our Business simulation package in business English for Human Resources Management online is an innovative way of learning English For Specific Purposes, combining the improvement of language skills with exercising professional competences. The simulation creates the illusion of a real workplace, while remaining a safe space to still make mistakes – it is the  best way to practice your professional skills without taking any risks that would occur if you were at your actual and real workplace.

The illusion of reality that the simulation offers is also helpful in remembering and consolidating the language issues in the context of their practical uses.


During our course competencies related to the company’s strategy, operational activities and leadership will be developed. You will learn how to manage your team so that it makes the best use of its potential. Thanks to this your team’s results will be the best they can be.


Our Business Simulation Package consists of two different modules that teach you different aspects of managing Human Resources. In one of them you will be concerned with recruitment and improving your own managerial skills, and in the other one you will focus on managing your team and making strategic and operational decisions in your workplace. Both of these simulations simultaneously develop your business vocabulary and consolidate it.

They will help you get used to the situations you encounter at work and explore their issues, which will help you later in your profession.

The personalized feedback that the learners will get from teacher experienced, both in the field and in educating will help them identify the areas that need additional attention.

Our Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management course online is an one of a kind offer: each of the simulations consists of unique materials, including knowledge bases, articles, reports, videos and more, that will help you explore the subject and play the role – thanks to which you will be able to perform your task in the best possible way.

Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management HR business english for different proffesions in a language school online

Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management - who is it for?

Our offer is directed to each and every person interested in this topic, especially to project managers, team leaders, entrepreneurs as well as Bank employees – branch directors who want to manage staff in their workplace in the best possible way.

Accept the challenge and join us in Cambridge School of English online!

Click here to learn more about Business English Package (Business Simulation) – Human Resources Management!