Achieve a B2 level in a foreign language and open the doors to proficient communication! (English lessons at the upper-intermediate level)

Achieve a B2 level in a foreign language and open the doors to proficient communication! (English lessons at the upper-intermediate level) online at the Cambridge School of English

Language levels, established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), allow assessing language skills based on a scale from A1 (beginner) to C2 (advanced). B2 level is called “upper-intermediate.” A person at this level can communicate fluently in most situations, understand complex texts, and engage in discussions on various topics. It’s a stage where language ceases to be merely a communication tool and becomes a means of expressing one’s views and emotions.

What is the B2 level? Learn a foreign language in Cambridge School online

Learning foreign languages is not just about expanding cultural horizons but also a skill that can open many doors in today’s global world. If you already know the basics of the language and are ready to take it a step further, B2 level is exactly where you should aim. In this article, you will learn what B2 level is, how to effectively self-learn at this stage, and why investing in a B2-level language course is worthwhile.

Self-learning at the B2 foreign language level? Improve by your own!

  1. Daily conversational practice: Talk to yourself on various topics or use available online resources such as podcasts, vlogs, or audiobooks in the target language. These exercises will help you become familiar with different accents and communication styles.
  2. Diverse reading: Read articles, books, websites, or even comics in the language you are learning. Choose content with diverse themes to expand your vocabulary and understand different contexts.
  3. Immersion in culture: Watch movies, series, listen to music, and read news in the target language. This not only develops your listening skills but also allows you to immerse yourself in the culture where the language is used.
  4. Independent grammar and vocabulary study: Use textbooks, online courses, and mobile apps to delve into more advanced grammatical concepts and expand your repertoire of words and phrases.

Benefits of the B2 Level Language Course Online at the Cambridge School of English

  • Individual support: A B2-level course led by experienced teachers allows you to receive individual progress assessments and support in areas that may require additional work.
  • Structure and planning: Language courses at this level provide a structured approach to learning, which can be harder to achieve on your own. This ensures you won’t overlook any important aspects.
  • Practical exercises: Some B2 courses focus on realistic simulations of situations that may be useful in everyday or professional life. It’s excellent practice before real communication challenges.
  • Motivation and social interaction: A course group gives you the opportunity to interact with other participants, exchange experiences, and collectively strive to achieve an advanced language level.

Check your language level to choose the best course