Showing 1–12 of 15 results

  • Sale! 25-minute e- tutoring or e-conversations (1: 1) - with native or non-native speaker online 25-minute e-tutoring or e-conversations (1:1) – packages with native or non-native speaker online

    25-minute e-tutoring or e-conversations (1:1) – packages with native or non-native speaker online

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  • Sale! Cambridge AI Speech Tutor - an innovative tool for self-learning English pronunciation online

    Cambridge AI Speech Tutor – a tool for learning correct English pronunciation online

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  • Learning English language online for children, teenagers, adults, schools, and companies with e-learning platform Cambridge Online Tutor

    Cambridge Online Tutor

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  • Cambridge School of English Conversation Trainer training speech in foreign language chat in english Norwegian Spanish German Russian Ukrainian Polish Romanian talking and chatting platform for learning languages online

    Cambridge School of English AI Conversation Trainer

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  • Sale! English Self-Learning Booster

    English Self-Learning Booster

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  • French language course online (at levels A0, A1-A2 and B1-B2) on an e-learning platform

    French language course online (at levels A0, A1-A2 and B1-B2) on an e-learning platform

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  • German language course online (at levels A1-A2 and B1-B2) on an e-learning platform

    German language course online (at levels A1-A2 and B1-B2) on an e-learning platform

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  • General group online English courses with a non-native speaker or native speaker (A1-C2)

    Group online English courses (General English) with a non-native speaker or native speaker (A1-C2)

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  • Group Spanish language courses online with non-native speaker (from beggining or intermediate)

    Group Spanish language courses online with non-native speaker (from beggining or intermediate)

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  • Intensive group language courses and learning English for children from beggining - English for children online with native speaker

    Intensive group language courses and learning English for children from beggining – English for children online with native speaker

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  • Italian language course online (at levels A1-A2 and B1-B2) on an e-learning platform

    Italian language course online (at levels A1-A2 and B1-B2) on an e-learning platform

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  • Portuguese language course online (at levels A1-A2) on an e-learning platform

    Portuguese language course online (at levels A1-A2) on an e-learning platform

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